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    Advice & Blog

    February Gardening Jobs 2025

    February brings the first hints of spring to UK gardens, with early bulbs pushing through and daylight hours steadily increasing. These essential gardening jobs will set your garden up for success in 2025.

    February garden jobs uk

    Soil Preparation

    Begin by clearing garden beds of winter debris and persistent weeds. Add well-rotted manure or garden compost to boost soil fertility. Cover prepared beds with horticultural fleece to keep soil warm and workable for spring planting. Test soil pH now to make necessary adjustments before the growing season begins.

    Essential Pruning

    Winter february Pruning uk

    Now is the perfect time for winter pruning of apple and pear trees - remove any crossing, dead or diseased branches to maintain an open, goblet-shaped structure. Cut back late-summer flowering clematis stems to about 30cm from ground level. Trim wisteria side shoots to 2-3 buds from their base. Remove old rose leaves to prevent disease carry-over.

    Flowers Tasks Checklist - February 2025

    Task Recommended Time Tools Required Tips
    Apply slow-release fertiliser Mid January Fertiliser Use a balanced fertiliser
    Trim back climbers Mid January Pruning shears Do not disturb nesting birds
    Cut down deciduous ornamental grasses Early January Shears Ensure to cut before new growth starts
    Prune winter-blooming shrubs Late January Pruning shears Prune after flowering to encourage new growth
    Divide herbaceous perennials Mid January Spade Water well after dividing
    Cut away epimedium foliage Late January Shears Promote healthy growth by removing old foliage
    Pot up spring bedding Mid January Containers Use quality compost for potting
    Transplant deciduous shrubs Early January Spade Choose a new location with suitable conditions
    Prune buddleja and elder Early January Pruning shears Keep the shrub size manageable
    Cut back wisteria side shoots Mid January Pruning shears Encourage flowering by pruning correctly
    Divide snowdrops and winter aconites Mid January Spade Replant immediately to avoid drying out
    Prune late-summer clematis Late January Pruning shears Make clean cuts to prevent disease

    Starting Seeds

    Begin sowing hardy annuals like cornflowers and sweet peas in a heated propagator. Start early vegetables including tomatoes, chilies and aubergines indoors. Place early potato varieties in egg boxes to chit in a cool, bright spot. Sow broad beans directly into prepared outdoor beds under cloches.

    Fruit & Vegetable Tasks Checklist - February 2025

    Task Timing Tools Required Essential Tips
    Prepare vegetable seed beds Early February Fork, rake, organic matter Warm soil with cloches before sowing; ensure good drainage
    Chit potato tubers Throughout February Egg boxes, shallow trays Keep in light room at 10°C; shoots should be short and sturdy
    Net fruit and vegetable crops Mid February Garden netting, supports Check existing netting for damage from winter weather
    Feed fruit trees Late February Sulphate of potash, spreader Apply before bud burst; water in if soil is dry
    Force strawberries Early-Mid February Cloches, fleece Remove covers on warm days to prevent disease
    Plant/divide rhubarb Early February Spade, compost Space crowns 1m apart; add plenty of organic matter
    Pest control Throughout February Organic pellets, traps Check protected crops regularly for early pest activity

    Note: February weather can be unpredictable - adjust tasks according to local conditions and protect tender plants from late frosts.

    Garden Structures

    Check and repair garden structures while plants are dormant. A wooden potting shed provides essential space for seed starting and tool storage. Consider overwintering plants in a greenhouse to protect tender specimens.

    Greenhouse Tasks Checklist - February 2025

    cleaning greenhouse glass february gardening-job
    Task Recommended Time Tools Required Tips
    Clean greenhouse glass Early January Cleaning equipment Clean on a dry day
    Monitor temperatures Daily Max-min thermometer Check morning and evening
    Hand-pollinate peach blossom When flowering Soft paintbrush Pollinate in middle of day
    Start tender crops Mid January Propagator, seed trays Maintain consistent warmth
    Clean overwintering plants Weekly Secateurs Remove debris promptly
    Plant summer bulbs Mid January Pots, compost Do not overwater
    Sow sweet peas Early January Deep pots, compost Maintain frost-free conditions
    Plant dahlia tubers Late January Trays, compost Keep slightly moist
    Maintain hippeastrum When needed Secateurs Keep leaves intact
    Prune fuchsias Early January Secateurs Increase watering gradually
    Pot on autumn-sown sweet peas Mid January Pots, secateurs Pinch out tips for bushier growth
    Sow summer bedding Late January Seed trays, compost Use fresh seed compost

    Wildlife Support

    Position nest boxes in sheltered spots away from prevailing winds. Continue feeding garden birds with high-energy foods. Create log piles in quiet corners to support beneficial insects. Keep unfrozen water available for wildlife during cold spells.

    Lawn Maintenance

    Stay off grass during frosty conditions to prevent damage. Remove fallen leaves and debris. If weather permits, edge lawns for a neat appearance. Consider aerating waterlogged areas once conditions improve.

    Planning Ahead

    chitting seed potatoes february garden job

    Review last year's planting schemes and plan crop rotation. Order seeds and summer-flowering bulbs early. Clean and organise tools, pots, and labels ready for spring use.

    Garden Maintenance Schedule - February 2025

    Week Task Tools Required Priority
    Early Feb Clean and sharpen garden tools and mowers Cleaning supplies, sharpening tools High
    Early Feb Clear pond of debris and remove autumn netting Pond net, gloves High
    Throughout Knock snow off evergreen branches after snowfall Long pole or broom High
    Early-Mid Feb Spread compost/manure on flower beds Wheelbarrow, fork Medium
    Mid Feb Check greenhouse heaters and ventilation Max-min thermometer High
    Mid Feb Clean greenhouse glass inside and out Cleaning equipment, ladder Medium
    Mid Feb Remove yellowing leaves from overwintering plants Secateurs, garden waste bag Medium
    Throughout Monitor soil conditions in beds Garden fork Low
    Late Feb Check garden structures and supports Basic tools Medium
    Late Feb Clear paths and borders of winter debris Rake, garden waste bag Medium
    Throughout Check plant ties and stakes Garden twine, stakes Low
    Throughout Monitor for signs of pest damage None Medium

    Note: Timing of tasks may need adjustment based on local weather conditions.

    Your Questions Answered

    What can I plant outdoors in February?

    Plant bare-root trees, shrubs, and hedging while dormant. Sow broad beans and early peas under cloches. Plant shallots and garlic in well-drained soil.

    How do I protect plants from February frost?

    Use fleece or cloches over tender plants. Move containers against house walls for protection. Apply thick mulch around plant bases. Keep greenhouse heaters running on cold nights.